Jaundice can occur due to:
Viral hepatitis A, B, C, D & E
• Red blood cell destruction - hemolysis
Bilirubin from the liver is unable to move into the digestive tract properly – obstruction
In your case, increase bilirubin, SGPT & SGOT are most probably due to hepatitis A or E as your test for
hepatitis B and C is non-reactive.
1. Hospitalization for intensive supportive treatment by intravenous fluids
2. Take proper rest. Do not involve in strenuous activity for few months.
3. Make sure that you drink clean, uncontaminated water
4. Take vegetables and fruit juice.
5. Avoid too much salt as it increases edema of liver
6. Avoid alcohol and medicines known to cause
liver damage such as paracetamol
7. Divide your meals into smaller portions and eat them frequently during the day
8. Avoid oily & spicy food
9. Investigations – Serum bilirubin, SGPT/SGOT, USG abdomen