hello Sir im Sherry from Pakistan, im facing very pinching desease. sir 8 years back i was very fat, i took sliming sachets, i got so weight reduce instantly, but u know every action has it oposite and equal reaction, in the same speed my weight gaining, then i used some herbal medicines but no cure. then i started homeopethic treatment with Tiens Intl product, i got so refreshing and smart look after that, but now again my weight start bosting. sir in last 8 years i didn't eat rice, banana, chocklates and every rich colories food, i swear if i eat anything even a simple bread i feel my body soling, my outfits get tight imidiately, except water every i mean every food or drink gain my weight. as i put weight on simentaniously my complexion get fade with 0 % glowness and refrshment, as i finish my food even i feel heaviness means gaining weight from head to feet, my shirt, jeans, tighs, arm every thing got fat, than to make it back i got ful 2 days without a single thing on dieting except water, sir im sure u ll be laughing because its suppose to be a funny story for you. but i consulted with very specialists but they didn't diognose me, in 8 years i m not able to live one day with full freedom, all time i just have fear of gaining weight and loosing my complexion. please if you can get me rid from this hell situation then i ll be profound thankfull. please reply