Hello dear
Understand your concern.
In cystitis there is a chronic inflammation of mucosa of bladder.
Following are the symptoms: Suprapubic pain, back pain, painful sexual intercourse, burning during urination, frequency, nocturia,
Exact cause is not known but following factors may be associated
Poor pelvic hygiene after sex, genetic factors, autoimmune conditions, stress. Diagnosis by physical examination and history by
Get the following investigations done: Urine culture, routine and microscopic examination, Urea,
creatinine, CBC, ESR,
Cystoscopy, IVP study.
Advice are below:
Counselling, Education to patient regarding condition, Self care
Avoid stress and start relaxation exercises.
Take diet diary and avoid diet that aggravate symptoms.
Avoid coffee, tea, alcohol, citrus fluid, chocolate, soda, artificial sweetners.
DrinK plenty of fluids, Do not delay in empty the bladder, Empty the bladder completely, Do urination after sex, Maintain pelvic hygiene
Pain relieving medication: amitryptaliine/duloxentine, cimetidine, ibuprufen
Antibiotics: Septran /nitrofurantoin
Tablet prednisolone
If not responds then
Triamcinolone injcetion and Intravesicle BCG injcetion
Hope this may help you
Best regards
Dr. Sagar