Hi thanks for asking question.
I appreciate your concern.
Here are some instruction for your father.
First of all antibiotic like
cefixime is taken for 10 to 14 days.
Drink more water like cocconut water,fruit juices, vegetable soup etc.
Take semisolid diet for few days.
Take small meal at frequent interval.
Avoid high fibre diet like whole grain , wheat bran etc .
Avoid vegetables like cabbage, turnip, spicy food etc.
Oily food not advisable during
The protein rich diet helpful like eggs.
Drink more water and water should be filtered or boiled.
smoking and alcohol.
If still no benefit then intravenous antibiotic given according to culture and sensitivity.
I hope my suggestions will be helpful to you.
Wish you good health to your father.
Thank you.
Dr,parth goswami