Hi ! Thanks for your query at HCM!
Firstly I would like to know few questions?
Are you a new case of TB and what were your symptoms and how were you diagnosed? Where you Multi-drug resistant case or Extensively drug resistant case?
As I see you are on 2nd line drugs for which I do not see any rationale until your history is clear. Normally patients must be started on Isoniazid, Rifampicin,
Pyrazinamide and
Ethambutol. If pulmonary TB 6 months treatment with follow up and for extra-pulmonary prolonged treatment upto 12-18 months.
You are on
Clarithromycin, Protionamide, Rifampicin , Isoniazid,
moxifloxacin and Mucaine(antacids). Most of above drugs are anti-tubercular and kill or stop the multiplication of TB bacilli in the body and cause
sterilization of tissues and blood.
These medicines work fine but they are started only if 1st line treatment fails in patient.
Kindly provide previous history to comment on the same.
Take care!