Hi. I have severe Myofacial pain, severe head pain requiring 26 Botox shots every six weeks, have a broken foot, and I was recently cut off from liquid morphine, oxycodone, hydromorphcontin. I was on other drugs for sleep. I had overdosed involving a severe personal matter, and in ICU they cut me off these things. Although I am STILL in severe pain, including an internal burn to my prostate, through Transureathral microwave therapy. Many of my family and friends, and myself feel this was an over-reaction. I have nothing Nothing for pain or sleep yet I m still experiencing all the pain and withdrawl on top of it. I had been assessed as needing these things from a pain clinic doctor years ago. This recent nightmare has actually made me even MORE suicidal as I cannot function at all now. It s NOT just the withdrawl, it s the pain, I get home care everyday, and now I cannot get off the couch because of the severe pain. I need at least the Morphine and Oxycodone back but don t know what to do. The level for pain control DID NOT INCREASE while I was on these...some say it s a legal matter, I don t want to die, but I cannot function without adequate pain relief, what do I do???