Hello, I am almost 21, I am female & I live in the UK. I am needing some information just to settle my mind. Throughout the day I have various mood swings & they can change instantaneously. On a night I am unable to sleep & I constantly think & overthink about things that stress and worry me. I am completely at breaking point and I m scared I am pushing my partner away. I love him dearly but I find it hard to come to terms with things he s done in the past (before our relationship), I will be so happy & loving one minute & the next I will resent him and wonder what I am doing. He is not a bad person but I seem to be so secluded due to my own fault. I am so insecure some days and others I am so confident, my moods are so crazy I just feel like I am insane. Last November I went on the contraceptive injection & I feel as if it could have been that which has triggered my mood swings off. Each time I lay down recently since November I have a strong smell of marzipan and I just don t know why! I feel like my mind is playing tricks on me and I just feel like I need to cry! Please give me some clue of what is wrong, thanks in advance Chloe