Hello, I am getting Invega injection once a month, initially I went to emergency hospital for blood test because I suspected my husband whom I wish to divorce that he puts tinaktin in my red wine. on February 14, 2010; everything was bright, I had a chest pain and palpitations I couldn t sleep, I knew I needed to get hospitalized, so I signed to volunteer to get admitted and I didn t noticed it was at mental ward, I had to take psychotic drugs that I believe it is causing me to feel suicidal, every time I complain to my psychiatrist about the bad affects on me, he prescribes more medications that makes me look crazy, I developed bad insomnia I am diagnosed as bipolar. Before I took psychotic medications I was happy most of the time, and now I always depressed. HOW COULD I GET OUT OF PSYCHOTIC MEDICATIONS AND NOT BECOME CERTIFIED PATIENT ANYMORE?