My sig.oth. Has lung cancer. 2 years ago, his right lung, lg. portion, was removed. It was small cell, the one that likes to wander. I called him a days ago, and he was coughing so badly that it was giving him tremendous headaches. Said he had an appointment in October, I called him an idiot, and said make an appointment NOW. He said he didn t feel an t pain, at which I said , oh, good, then you won t be dead in two weeks. My spelling is atrocious today. He works in a steel mill, well over fifteen years, and yes, he can t quit smoking, saying he only smokes ultra lites, and only half way. I ll being going up there for awhile, and I will bust his ass ever time he fires one up. What would be a gentler way to kill him with my rapier wit and be there for him, supportive ? We ve known each other for thirteen years, know our quirks, but I better slow down the sarcasm. Any good ideas?