1. although doctor report is inconclusive, thus following points are worth mentioning:
. once a stroke is completed, some brain tissue is dead and its function cannot be restored,do consult with your doctor which area is/was damaged and what functions it probably served.
. grind Black pepper 50 gm and mix 250 ml sesame oil, heat the mixture and apply lukewarm on the body along with
2. but as you are ambulatory now, thus following care has to be taken/ practiced:
. avoid sudden exertion e.g. climbing stairs in haste,moving furniture in house etc.
. graded exercise in the form of walking but within the limits of tolerance.
. fat free diet, use sunflower oil
. strict control of
diabetes and
hyperlipidemia, if present
. elimination of known risk factor:
smoking, over weight, mental strain
. keep emergency medicine/tablets at hand: in the bedroom, in the bathroom, at the office, in travel kits etc.
. Prescription drugs available for are: ekangvir ras, vaat kulantak ras, yograj-mahayograj-kaishore gugullu,rasnasaptak kwath, bala-ashwagandha- arisht, Prasarni tail