Try to reduce your sodium/salt intake. Your body shouldn't be getting more than 2,000 mg's a day (give or take based on your body weight or caloric intake).
Increase your potassium. You should be getting twice the potassium in your diet than sodium, i.e. 4,000 mg's or so.
Take a B-Complex. Some of your
B vitamins work to metabolize fats and clean out your arteries.
Don't drink alcoholic beverages, alcohol blocks the absorption of some of your B vitamins.
Don't smoke.
Avoid transfats. Hydrogenated oils can have an effect on your "good" and "bad"
cholesterol. Look at the ingredient list. Just because it says 0 grams of transfats does not mean it's completely free of transfats. If a product has .5 grams of hydrogenated oils per serving, it can be rounded down to 0! However, if you get two servings of .5 grams, you get 1 gram of transfat! having high "bad" cholesterol deposits plaques in your arteries.
Keep your teeth brushed and get a lot of
vitamin C. If your gums are unhealthy, the bacteria that grows on your teeth can get into your circulatory system, and cause plaque on your arteries! Vitamin C, especially gained through drinking fruit juices as it's already in liquid form, helps to keep your teeth and gums healthy, and minimizes
bacterial growth too.
Co-Q10 is something else that can help the heart and circulatory system.
Something else to avoid, artificial sweeteners: Nutra Sweet, Apartame,
Sucralose, et al... can cause heart or neural damage!
Other stuff to look for, follow the links below...