Sure, thanks. Last night, my husband startled from his sleep and accidentally head-butted me in the back of the head, as I was just above him trying to move our cat. The impact was significant enough that I was teary for a moment, and then very sore on the back of my head, enough so that I moved to sleep on my side to avoid pressure on the tender area. I fell asleep (I now remember not a smart move) and woke up this morning, and felt okay, at first. At an early morning meeting, I noticed my head hurt, although not badly, across the forehead. I also experienced mild nausea, and felt woozy and a bit foggy. These Sxs continued throughout my work day, along with general fatigue, although again, the fatigue was not too bad. I am wondering if I sustained a mild concussion, albeit in a very unusual way! If so, I am wondering what I need to do to take good care of myself. Thanks very much. :)