Hello there. I was wondering if you could help me with this: I cut three of my toes in the ocean, in Bali on Monday night. Thinking that it wasn’t that big of a deal I washed it up myself, used iodin (benadine), put on some antibiotic cream and continued to change the bandages for a couple of days. On Thursday morning the least bad of the cuts seemed to be quite infected. I went in to the doctor, who cleaned it up, and wrapped it up and has told me to take these strong antibiotics that he has given me until Monday when I am supposed to return. (I should also mention that they took an xray and I have re-fractured my big toe that was broken a couple of months before) He has told me not to re-dress the wound and just leave it. It is now Friday night, I have taken antibiotics and anti iinflammatories since yesterday morning but now the left side of my foot (not the broken side but the side closest to the infected toe) is very swollen and red. Should I be redressing it and using antibiotic cream? Do I need to go back to the hospital tomorrow rather than wait until Monday? I am quite fearful knowing how bad infections can be in the tropics. I also do not have a lot of faith in the doctors here. Please help…?