Hi, I have received blood work back indicating that my levels of esophilia (spelling?) are high. I have just come off being sick with a virus of some sort for the last 5 weeks, left lymph node in neck is very swollen and my throat is sore again. The sore throat was the initial symptom of my most recent illness and strep was ruled out. I had an ultrasound done on my neck and the lymph node was described as "prominent". I am not supposed to have a CT scan done with infusion to see if other lymph nodes in my chest are swollen. One last thing, I had a root canal done in January of this year and thought that perhaps I had some infection in my mouth but I visited the dentist, had xrays done and supposedly there is no infection. I would rather go in and have an ENT now look at my throat because I am having a hard time swallowing. Any suggestions on what I should do first? I am not happy with my GP at this point. Thanks, Helen