hello, yesterday I woke up with aching teeth , I assumed from the symptoms the cause to be either dental problems or sinusitis . During the day I have felt slow swelling, payed no attention to it, brushed my teeth trice during the day and gone to sleep. Today I woke up with badly swollen upper lip and aching teeth. Teeth seem to be aching from movement of some sort. Upper lip is swollen and I think there is a lump, main swelling is inside the moustache area of the lip within it. I have little to no cash right now and cannot afford going to a doctor if it is not a major cause. I was at the bar two nights ago, but teeth ached a little before. My first upper right tooth was dislocated during a fight 8 years ago. I hope I gave enough information for you to help me at least to know what is the cause of this. Thank you in advance