Thanks for writing in to us.
The uvulitis symptoms are associated with issues that arise due to the large size of the
uvula. A swollen uvula can lead to the feeling of gagging and
choking, mainly because of the swollen uvula touching the back of the tongue and throat as experienced by you.
A general case of uvulitis gets resolved on its own, without any major treatment. Probably that is the reason your doctor has given you
Emanzen and Mac extra lozenges.
Sometimes, however, you might require the treatment for uvulitis. The uvulitis causes can be related to a variety of conditions, some as simple as
If uvulitis is caused by dehydration, lots of water is advised to the patient.
In case it is a bacterial infection, you would have to gargle with a saline solution for proper treatment with a course of antibiotics for uvulitis . Although uvulitis is not a life threatening condition, it can be extremely irritating and troublesome.
Hope this helps