I have been experiencing nausea, heartburn/acid reflux, and abdominal pain daily for maybe a week now. It is usually in the afternoon and goes away in the evening. I m on Protonix already. I have an eating disorder (mainly anorexia nervosa) and have had it for the past almost 12 years. Mostly restricting behaviors, almost no binging and purging. I also have had parasuicidal behaviors with ibuprofen in the past; I would take inappropriate amounts of it as a form of self harm. This includes 5+ overdoses of 80-100 200 mg pills, 25+ instances where I would take ~25 200 mg pills, and have taken 4-20 200 mg pills on more occasions than I can count. I have not taken it inappropriately for about a year now; I do take it on occasion for migraines, maybe 2 or 3 times a month. My dietitian suggested that it may be gastritis. Could this be accurate?