Your query is appreciated.
The chances of
pregnancy here depend on a lot of things.
If intercourse occurred between the 10th and 20th days of the menstrual cycle, then chances of pregnancy are high.
For eg., if the female had her period on 1st November, and you had intercourse between 10th and 20th of November, the chances of getting pregnant are very high compared to other days.
Ipill was taken immediately after
unprotected intercourse, hence you have already done your best to prevent pregnancy.
Nothing further can be done right now to prevent pregnancy.
You will have to wait till the date of her next menstrual period, in order to confirm whether she has conceived inspite of the Ipill.
If she does cross the date of her expected periods, kindly perform a Urine Pregnancy Test to rule out a pregnancy.
However, with one random encounter of unprotected intercourse, plus the timely intake of Ipill, in my personal opinion, the chances of pregnancy are very low.
And you definitely can do nothing about it now, apart from the Ipill, which you have already taken.
Hence, you should relax and wait for her period.
Meanwhile, ensure that further such episodes of unprotected intercourse are avoided.
Hope this helped you.