Thanks for writing to H.C.M. for your query.
I have gone through your history of illness regarding sinus problems, You had been operated for the same but your problems are still persisting. PLease don't be discourage ,in medical world along with benifits there are always chances of failure and comlications. To get success we should be ready to face failure and comlications.
Here I am telling the reasions of failure of proceedure-
(a) If patient is having deviated
nasal septum and inferior turbinate hypertrophy along with sinusitis than these two should also be considered because some times after surgery for sinus (FESS )if these are left may cause recurrent
nasal infection.
(b) If patient is having choncha bullosa along with sinusitis than also both these should be surgically corrected.
(c) Development of synechia at the osteomeatal complex ( Post operative).
Sinus surgery in
allergic sinusitis.- Endoscopic sinus surgery in cases of allergic sinusitis are not having very good results. Here recuurence is very common.
Considering all these possibilities you should contact any senior ENT surgeon who is expertise in endoscopic surgeries , he will solve your problems. With expertise hands usually chances of failure are very less and at the same time if any complication arises during proceedure that can be manage very comfortably.
With regards.