Hello there..
Sorry to say but your history was a bit incomplete. What i interpret, it is a urinary infection and not
vaginal infection.
Enterobacter infection on urine culture test is urinay infection and not vaginal infection.
Enterobacter is a normal commensal of vagina (one which resides in vagina and doesnot indicate infection)
Vaginal infection presents with
vaginal discharge, itching, redness and foul smell.
Urinary infection with enterobacter is treated with
Predisposition to repeated urinary infections can be due to the following:
In young sexually active women, sexual activity is the cause of 75–90% of bladder infections, with the risk of infection related to the frequency of sex. In post-menopausal women, sexual activity does not affect the risk of developing a UTI.
Spermicide use, independent of sexual frequency, increases the risk of UTI. Multiple sexual partners predispose to vaginal and urinary infections.
Women are more prone to UTIs than men because, in females, the urethra is much shorter and closer to the anus. As a woman's estrogen levels decrease with menopause, her risk of
urinary tract infections increases due to the loss of protective
vaginal flora.
Past History of urinary catheterisation further increases the risk.
Both urinary and vaginal infection can be avoided with following measures:
Maintain good personal and perineal hygiene. Keep the area dry.
TAke plenty of oral fluids.
Proper washing of the genital area after toilet. Avoid irritants like soap or savlon.
Wear clean undergarments which should not be tight.
Urination after sexual activity prevents infection.