Hi! I am from Guwahati. 49 years. I am on sartel 40mg and ecosprin av 75 since around 4 years. My present blood test report reads glucose( fasting )-105mg/dl, creatinine-1.2mg/dl, sodium-144 meq/L, k+ 4.1 meq/L, cholesterol-119 mg, triglycerides- 129 mg, hdl- 42 mg, vldl-26 mg, cho/hdl ratio-2.8,total bilirubin-0.9 mg, bilirubin-direct-0.4 mg, builirubin indirect- 0.5 mg, sgot/ast- 35 u/l, sgpt/alt- 76 u/l , alkaline phosphatase- 178 u/l, ggtp 58 u/l, total protein- 7.0 g/dl, albumin 4.2 g/dl, globulin 2.8 g/dl and prothombin time 13 sec. I occasionally take alchohol. What advice? Thanks.