thanks for using health care magic.
Ca 125 as you already know is a marker for cancer. It increases in cancers of the digestive system and those of the reproductive system including the ovaries, fallopian tubes, endometrium of
uterus etc. It is highly used in the diagnosis and follow-up of
ovarian cancer.
Ca 125 is not specific to a particular disease and does not necessarily indicate a malignant disease. It could be elevated in benign conditions such as uterine fibroids as well. From your history; heavy menses,
anemia, enlarged uterus etc, there is a good chance that what you have is a uterine fibroid. The only problem is that the ca 125 level is far above the normal which is 35 (300 in your case).
The appearance of uterine fibroid on
ultrasound is particular and you should see your ultrasonographer to say if the mass was not well round and with borders and characteristic of fibroid. If its a fibroid or none metastasized cancer,
hysterectomy will be just fine.
Best regards and hope this helps.
Dr Achuo