HI! Im a 14 year old girl. Ive been going to intense soccer practices every day for the past 12 days. We've done dynamic and just plain standing/sitting stretches before and after every practice. Yesterday, whenever id kick the ball powerfully (such as shooting or crossing) I would get a huge pain in my right thigh muscle (only when i kicked it with my right foot though). So I played lefty and kept kinda off of my right foot. It hurt to stretch it. I couldnt run right, because when i put my leg too far back, it would hurt. My coaches and teammates advised me to stretch it a lot, so i did. I also put on IcyHot to dull the pain. It was gone by the time i went to bed. So today, i went to practice and was careful to stretch my thigh well. Sadly, the pains came back. Again, i played lefty, and another coach told me to stretch it. Can you please tell me what is probably wrong with my leg and how to treat it? I've had no previous injuries. Thank you soooooo much! :)