hey. i have been having teeth problem for quite a long time. ok so here s the problem, my teeth are slightly yellow and i believe these are caused by coffee and smoking. but however, my front two teeth seems to be more yellow than the others and sometimes there are white spots on the front two teeth. so i was wondering what is the causes and is there any solution for it?? well, appearance for me is at top priority...so i really need help on this. *FYI: few years back i have seen a dental in school, and i asked him about this problem. and he tried using the whatever tool and remove it but it couldnt be removed. i asked him why and he said it was because of my teeth formation or something like that. i do believe he is a new dentist and have not much experience. hence i really need some professional help on removing these stains. thanks so as to let the docs to have a better picture, there s a pic i taken and you could see my front two teeth yellowish part and white spot. http://s3.amazonaws.com/medhelp_images/posts/6693656_fs?1298964543 thanks , xylon