The CDC (Centers for Disease Control) phD "whistleblower", William Thompson (senior scientist at the CDC) has been waiting for too many months, to testify before Congress, about fraud that he was part of, at the CDC (manipulating & deleting data).
The original CDC (prior to being thrown away) data would have shown a causal connection between the MMR (Measles, Mumps & Rubella) vaccine, and AUTISM--especially when the MMR vaccine is administered to too young children (age 12 to 15 months old). It's safer to give the MMR vaccine to children who are at least 3 years old. Or, it's also safer to separate the MMR into each component, and separate the times of administration, and also wait until children are at least 3 years old first.
My questions to you are:
1) Have you seen the film "VAXXED: FROM COVER-UP TO CATASTROPHE", yet? This film (I saw it a couple of weeks ago, at a Denver, CO theater called Esquire Theater), includes the telephone confessions of Wm. Thompson, as he confessed to a dad of an autistic son, about his (Wm. Thompson's) guilt at being part of the CDC coverup.
Here are 2 links you should click on: (all about this important film, "VAXXED: From Cover-up to Catastrophe")
and (the "trailer" to the film, "VAXXED: From Cover-up to Catastrophe")
2) Are you brave enough to buck large pharmaceutical bullies, that DON'T want you to know about (or even suspect) the causal connection between certain vaccines, and descent into autism?
Thank you in advance,
Carol Sidofsky (retired RN)