Hi Doctor, I am 59 yrs old . My scanning report is below Kidneys RK : 10.9x4.3 cm, Normal in size and echotexture, no hydronephrosis. E/o two calculi noted in lower calyx measuring 4 mm and 3.5 mm. LK : 11.2x5.0 cm, Normal in size and echotexture, no calculi / Hydronephrosis. E/o a 7.0x3.8 cm cortical exophytic cyst with a septation noted in mid pole. PCS mildly dilated. Urinary bladder : Partially distended, no calculi. Pre-void : 120 cc. PVR : 20 cc. Prostate : Enlarged in size and normal in echotexture. Volume : 33 cc. No free fluid in abdomen / pleural effusion. IMPRESSION : TINY RIGHT RENAL CALCULI. * MILD LEFT HYDRONEPHROSIS. * GRADE I PROSTATOMEGALY. * GRADE I FATTY INFILTRATION OF LIVER. Can you please help me on what is this