There has been a 15 year history of thick throat mucus and raspy voice. Within the past year it has become much worse with extreme fatigue, weight loss (6'2" 132lbs with clothes) and difficultly with air way while sleeping. Getting weaker with poorer concentration. I have had allergy tests (both scratch & blood work), been to an ENT, had an MRI of sinuses, had an angiogram by a cardiologist, MRI through a pulmonologist, capsule endoscopy, esophagogastroduodenoscopy and colonoscopy by a gastroenterologist. All clear. I have had various prescription nose sprays, the purple pill prescribed, zyrtec & mucinex suggested by physicians. Nothing has worked. What could be wrong with me? I was hospitalized in February with pneumonia which I feel was a result of my weakening state. Because of that I went through an intense course of antibiotics. No change in the mucus condition. I had a blood profile report on Monday and the doctor said everything was in good ranges. Please help! I am not well.