Three weeks ago, I went to a concert and was sick the entire time (I chocked it up to bad clam sauce). I had bad diarrhea, anxiety attacks, sweating, dizziness, and nausea. My upper stomach felt like it was going to pop off my body. Two weeks ago, my partner and I had sex and it was very painful to me for the first time ever (which I thought was due to a month without sex because I never have lack of lubrication problems). I immediately started bleeding and then bled for a whole week. I'm very irregular but sex sometimes allows me to have a period. I've recently been having spells of hot flashes and nausea after meals, on addition to lower back pressure and the feeling like my upper stomach is going to pop off. I have been gaining some weight, but I think it's due to eating habits and it fluctuates. Ive also been struggling during the day to stay awake. I don't think it's pregnancy because I got my period and my boyfriend always wears condoms and stops fifteen minutes before he wants to cum. I have to ureaplasma before and it sort of feels like that but it feels more severe and I'm afraid I may have diabetes or stomach cancer.