Thursday morning when I woke up my husband said my speech was very slurred. I could not move my legs at all and my left arm hurt, the worst point of the pain was my elbow. I thought I might be having a TIA or a stroke, as my doctor warned me for over a year that due to my high heart rate I was at risk. Then from that night through Tuesday I slept about 21 hours every night I went to sleep for 4 nights. I would go to sleep at 10 pm and wake up around 7 pm the next night. The medications I take I have taken for years at the same dose and had slept 10 hours the night before. I have never had anything similar happen. I'm 42, 5'3 and 123 pounds. I quit smoking 3 years ago, but still chew nicotine gum. I have Raynauds, peripheral neuropathy, MS with severe muscle spasms, Crohns. I checked every medication I take and none listed these as side-effects. I don't remember anything since Thursday morning, and only maybe 15 minutes of Thursday morning. I have none of the symptoms now. Could I have had a stroke or TIA, or some type of virus/illness.