What can cause tingling attacks in half of my body (especially around ribs)? Since 7 years (I am now 24) I have been experiencing attacks of tingling/numbness/electricity sensations in one side of my body. It started in my half belly when I was running or drinking alcohol (already after 1 sip). But after a couple of years the attacks were in half of my body (starting in lower ribs, spreading out to my leg and arm , and a few tingles in my chin). The attacks last half a minute and then fade, but a very tight feeling in my chest remains for about an hour (and attacks can repeat). Since a few months it s been getting a lot worse: I feel tingles around my left lower ribs non-stop, and with every too fast movement I get an attack, even slow walking is tricky. When I feel an attack coming I can stand very still and then it sometimes fades again. Things that trigger an attack: starting a too sudden movement (increasing pace, standing up, stretching , jumping, especially after having sat still for a bit), being cold, drinking alcohol (already after 1 sip), shaking (when I m sitting on someone s back and he starts to run), stress, breathing very fast, when I m lying in bed for a little bit and roll over, and sometimes even spontaneous. Cycling goes fine (!! even intensive mountainbiking) but when I slowly walk from my bike to the door I can get an attack. Sometimes when I m very careful and come into movement very slowly (and stand still when I feel it coming), I can eventually walk quickly. But when I sit for a little bit and stand up again it s back. When I keep walking or moving after an attack, the attacks go to my right side as well, exactly the same feeling. Left and right then alternate quickly after another, always just one half at the time. It only becomes worse, never less. The frequency can be a lower over a period, but the attacks are only becoming intenser (never lighter, and ever since my leg and arm were in the attack they never left), as if something is being damaged. I ve been tested on MS, Lyme and other spinal problems (all negative), but everything seemed fine. I never had any accidents or major diseases. Although breathing quickly can trigger it, it s not the only cause (I ve been tested for hyperventilation and been to a fysiotherapist, but it s concluded that something more is going on). My ribs were found a bit more horizontal than normal, but they don t think this can cause the problems. Besides different doctors I tried accupuncture, orthomanual therapy and ostheopathy, all without any luck. I first accepted to live with it, but as it s only getting so much worse and restricting, I am becoming concerned. I hope you can give me any ideas what this can be!