Hi, my name is Jennifer, I am 37 yrs old and my mother has MS. I have been experiencing some symptoms related to this disease. I was just looking up some early warning signs and there were quite a few on there that I definitely do have. Now whether it s MS or not I can t of course make that diagnosis on myself. There are 21 of them however that I do have. The ones that are more noticeable than others are the tingling in the toes, feet and fingers, urinary incontinence , frequency in urination , urination urgency, short term memory loss and unsteady gait/loss of balance are just a few of them. I am of course going to see my physician over this, but I was wanting to get an opinion from someone on what they think all this could be meaning. Also, I don t have regular insurance, I am on a medicaid card so I don t know how serious my physician will take me about all this. I know I m not imagining these symptoms is the thing. It s been going on for quite some time now. I had a regular Dr but he moved out of town so I am in the process of finding a new one....which I will very soon. Thank you for your time and I will wait patiently for an answer.