For just over a year i have had tinnitus , muffled hearing in one ear and have been going dizzy (as if when i turn my head, the inside of my head doesn t move at the speed as my actual head, and then the room starts spinning and the only thing that stops it is going to sleep for a whole day). Just prior to each dizzy spell, i get a few days of smaller dizzy spells which make me feel tired temporarily, and the same happens for a few days after the dizzy spell. Each day that i have the spells, my tinnitus is more extreme upon waking up in the morning (so i know it is going to happen on that day). I have had a hearing test which came back as if i had perfect hearing and I had an MRI which showed nothing. My nan says she had exactly the same for years & noone ever knew what it was. She added they initially thought it was menieres or vertigo but ruled both out & no pills did anything. Although not diagnosed with anything yet, I am currently taking Buccastem to see if it helps, but it doesn t. The dizzy spells tend to occur a few days into my period, but the tinnitus is there all the time. Any ideas?