I have seen a nurse at a clinic and I am a little concerned with the way my cliteris looks. I have no medical problems, I am a healthy individual. I have these strand-like appearing skin tags that are flat (is what it looks like) that drape down around my cliteris about 1cm in length on both sides, and there is about 4 of them. It almost appears like a cluster.They are not painful, doesnt hurt during intercourse, and the nurse told me that it does not look like HPV. I am just wondering if this is just an abnormal growth in cells? something serious?
In addition to that, from my vaginal opening up towards my anus, I have these tiny bumps (look like tiny skin tags), again, the nurse told me that this is normal? but id prefer a second opinion. I never really noticed it before until I was examining myself. It is not itchy or painful. There are maybe about 10 of them.
I did have HPV once and have been treated by it from the same nurse that told me that these small bumps and flat-appearing skin tags that droop from my cliteris (which she stated was not HPV and that its just "a part of me").
Any ideas if this is just normal to have abnormal skin growth like this?