Hello nmickey17,
Welcome to the forum. It is nice to learn that you are aware of the rash and are interested to seek
medical advice. Rashes can occur due to scabies which is a highly contageous
skin infection. It appears in the palm and between the fingers initially and spreads later. You should take better care of your hygiene. After the clothes get washed treat them with an antiseptic ( dettol/savlon ) and let them dry in sunlight.
Rashes can also be due to
skin allergy ( due to use of detergent, fragrant soap) if you have sensitive skin. Do take care if you have any food or
drug allergy. Avoid those to stay fit. Use cold compress in the affected area, try using neosporin oitment locally in the affected area. If you are diagnosed with scabies,
benzyl benzoate emulsion can be good for you, but use it only after consultation with a dermatologist. ( you will have to learn about its use and application technique )
Rashes may occur due to
psoriasis, eczema, etc. You can try changing the detergents and soap you use at home. Also wear gloves when you work. If still you do not have relief you should
consult a dermatologist and get treated. Have a good day, take care.