Thanks for the post
From your presentation there are wide range of possibilities that could be evoked ranging from possible underlying diseases condition such as electrolytic/mineral disorder,
vitamin deficiency, anemia, presence of infection, tumor etc and psychosocial disorder (which in my opinion is the most likely). But first you will need to see a doctor who would normally have to run some
blood test to make sure that you are not suffering from an underlying diseases condition. Test such as blood panel, kidney function, liver function, evaluate the heart with ECG,
ultrasound and possible some heart enzymes (yes sounds like many tests to do, but useful when a patient is presenting with unspecific-to a particular diseases-symtoms). If all of this come out clean, then you are most likely suffering from a pscyhosocial illness such as
depression (given the symptoms you have presented) that will require the attention of a
psychiatrist or neuropsychiatrist. Doing exercises and improving/increasing your social interactions is probably a good way to start.
Hope this helps