Please help me determine whether a visit to the ER is necessary, or if I am just being an over cautious father. My 2.5yr old son is on his 3rd day of running a fever that averages 103 and has been as high as 105! He has been responding well to suspended Ibeprofin. Within an hour of his dosage, he is usually much happier and playful. However, this moring dosage seems to have zero effect. He is still asleep and has been all morning!
I am thinking I will hold off on a trip to the ER if you think it's virul. If it's bacterial would you recommend a trip to the ER or a scheduled docter visit?
To help determine if its virul or bacterial..
His symptoms as follows,
A red rash appeared simultaniously with fever
rash is all over, but prodominate areas are scalp, back, soles, palms, face
has vommitted some
has chapped lips and infrequent urination
his eyes are blood shot and have been from the beginning
no clear day care and both of his parents aren't and haven't been sick recently
Could he of picked up staph from a recent diaper rash and is now suffering from TSS?
Please confirm my suspisions soon!
I will be on stand by in case you recommend an immediate trip to the ER.
Ryan & Mason Higgins