Your periods were regular these days. you are overdue this month by 2 weeks. You had infection recently,you are still fatigued, have
low grade fever. Urine
pregnancy test is -ve.
Because of ill health & weakness following it, along with the effect of medication-temporary
hormonal disturbances occurs, changing the menstrual pattern .
* the menstrual cycle may get disturbed. the ovulation may be late, & eventually you might have late conception.-In such a case, home pregnancy test may be too early to be done. Please get blood
HCG test done. It detects pregnancy in 8 days of ovulation.
* If the blood preg. test is -ve, the period will come at a later date .
Please get yourself investigated for low grade fever.& see an expert
physician for management of any pathology noted.
* take rest, nutritious & easily digestible food , take nutritional supliments in form of
* If there is no pregnancy nor the period comes in a month,consult a Gynecologist for correction of cycle.
Thank you.