My itching started year ago spreading over my body. Then a rash appeared and became very "angry" described by dermatologists as 'dermatitis w/ hive like eruptions. I did scratch and tried to control and NOT scratch.
Robathol baths with soda and sea salt and urea beads did not get me over this. Two weeks at Mayo Clinic where I took wet dressing "wraps" with PF cream and a steroid cream, donned warm wet long johns and then was wrapped in warm blankets every day for ten days. This got rid over the rash. The itching improved somewhat, but is still all over me & debilitating. My very high eosinophil count came down with the rash gone, but is still high. At home I get over one area and another another starts. I still take wet treatment wraps and Zyrtec in AM and 25 mg of Hydroxyzine at night. I wake up about 3 AM itching all over. I have taken too much prednisone and many other antihistamines. At Mayo they gave me the prick and patch allergy tests. I am allergic to Cety and Stearlyl, potassium dichromate and benzalkonium chloride.