Hi doctor i am 30 year old Indian female married 3 years,i have pcod,last year i went for laproscopy ,spontaneously i got conceived after two months and was on siphene, unfortunately i had a missed abortion,my history include hyperinsulineamia,moderate pco and obesity .i am on nurtrional medicine for about six months hypoglyceamia is totaly stopped and taking T3:T4 bio identical hormone every alternate day in low dose.next month i am planning to conceive my husband is ok,my latest ovarian follicular study is on day14, dominating follicle is 10mm and endometrial thickness is 4.6mm,my regular periods is on30days.still i have a simple cyst in right ovary,with this should i go to a fertility expert to have any drugs or injection to improve the quality of my egg or treatment will affect quality of my egg? my insuline and most of other hormones are controlled now please give a good advise do i take fertitity treatment or naturally it can happen?