Hi my fiance and I have been trying to concieve for almost a year now. My period was supposed to have come the 7th of October (2012) and here it is the 12th of October. I have had very mild cramping, leg pains, mild headaches , car sickness (I have never gotten car sick before in my life), very tender nipples (I ve been having to wear a sports bra because an underwire makes me want to cry), frequent urination , no food cravings I have noticed yet, light nausea here and there throughout the day (food does not trigger it, but I did notice my new car air freshner made me sick to my stomach), always tired and ready for a nap (when I lay down it takes me about 20 minutes to get comfortable and sometimes even longer), lower back pains, constipation , very gassy, scalp discomfort, and I get very hot out of no where. My periods usually last 4-5 days (Like clockwork for more than 7 years) and the most of a period I have missed due to stress or what have you not was 2 days. My fiance and I want to take a test tomorrow October 13th to find out for sure and whether the test is positive or negative we would like to get a blood work test done as well. Just to be extra sure. I guess I m just wanting some kind of reassurance? I would like to have a professional opinion before taking the test tomorrow and being disappointed or excited....