Your chances of conception will increase once you start staying together regularly.however a zero
sperm count is a cause for worry for which get the semen tested again at some different lab.
How to collect semen sample
If you collected your sample in a place other than your clinic, you need to get it to the laboratory within one hour after ejaculation because sperm do not have a long life outside of the body and at different temperatures. Delays in delivering semen and exposure to various temperatures will results in lower overall motile sperm count and poor semen
Your semen sample shouldn’t be exposed to any extreme temperatures and, in fact, should be kept as close to body temperature as possible. The
sperm motility value will be inaccurately low if the semen sample gets
cold and or if it gets too hot.
Keep your specimen container upright in a plastic bag, with the lid securely tightened. The specimen should not be placed in your partner’s purse, or in your pocket or briefcase. Keep it as close to your body as possible, perhaps by tucking it under your clothing on the way to the clinic.
You will need to refrain from any sexual activity for at least two days, but not more than 10 days before you collect your sample. This means no sex or no ejaculation of any kind, including
Longer or shorter periods of abstinence may result in a lower sperm count or decreased sperm motility. Samples produced after two days of abstinence will usually have the highest numbers of motile sperm with the greatest forward velocity, when compared to samples produced after shorter or longer abstinence.