Hello doctors, I am from bangalore I am 29 years old and my husband is 32 years old we have been married for 7+ years now and trying for baby from past 3-4 yrs. My husband is diagnosed with astenozoospermia problem, His Analysis shows that sperm count=65 mill/ml, a+b=0.7%, c=1.5% and d=97 % and in his resent analysis shows that there are 1-3 motale sperms. Back in 2006 he had kidney stones while investigating further we came to know that he is having single kidney by birth and his seminal vesicle is blocked. We have met 2 doctors till now one suggeted to go for ICSI this doctor had put him under medication like Natoz,HIQ + and profert-M there were no much changes in the analysis and another has suggested for TESE with ICSI. Kindly suggest which procedure is best for us.