thanks for choosing hcm,
you told you are having regular periods
i want to know the length of your cycle 28 days ,30 days,40 days?
and how sure are you about the day you meant you are fertile?
do you know that you are sure to ovulate on that day?
generally,when you have a 28 day cycle ,day of ovulation is on day 13 so when the length of cycle varies,day of ovulation may vary
and even if you do ovulate,many factors from your husbands side like
sperm count and motility need to be good for you to concieve
and also you need your fallopian tubes to be patent also
so if you are really anxious to concieve check the factors i have mentioned above and meet your doctor to get few tests done regarding your tubes and his semen analysis
coming to the secretion,if it is for 1 time and little you may not worry but if the secretion is in more amount,smelling bad,itching if present and in case it is curdy like(as in
vaginal candidiasis) you need to meet your doctor
hope i answered your query
thank you