My age 37, 156cm, 66kg, uterus ultrasound report suggestive of lipoleiomyoma. Uterus size: 7.65cmX4.22cmX5.84cm,anteverted,a well defined and hyperechoic lesion, measuring 1.43cmX0.98cmX1.37cm seen at anterior myometrium of uterus. No vascularity seen, this is suggestive of lipoleiomyoma. Cyst: Nil,endometrial echo thickness - 8mm, right ovary size: 1.95cmX1.09cmX1.52cm, left ovary size: 2.52cmX1.55cmX1.41cm, mass: nil, adnexal mass: absent, free fluid in pouch of douglas: absent, bladder appeared normal, no mass or calculi seen. Can you please explain what is lipoleiomyoma? Is it serious? Can I do rope jumping and sit-ups? Will the growth go away? What can I do to get rid of it? Thank you.