hello, I just had a endovaginal ultrasound with tissue characterization. I m a female, 30 years old and I have excess body hair and acne . The results show that I have multiple subcentimetric peripherally located follicules on both ovaries and one dominant follicle of 1.5cm as well as small amount of physiologic free fluid. Left ovary is 3.4x2.4x2.3 cm and right is 3.4x1.3x3 cm. Overall the ovaries are not significally enlarged however they do have an appearance of beign polycystic. Can that result be the cause of my problems? Also, all my blood test are OK. So my doctor told me that there is nothing to worry about and that my results are normal. So, what can I do to reduce my excess body hair(face, breast, abdomen) and acne?