Hello.i am a 32 yr old female.been married for 11 months now and was told I had multiple fibroids years before I married.i was a virgin until I got married.however,my periods have been extremely heavy for a few years now and suddenly it started alternating,one month it s slightly shorterand less heavy than d next month.also,I get this really terrible pain sometimes in d abdomen .this pain just comes and goes and has no relationship with my periods or cycle.i only noticed that I get constipated very often for long periods and anytime I get this pain,I get some relief if I m able to use the toilet.and sometimes, I take felxicam and d pain disappears in a few mins.i saw over 5 doctors who had advised I left the fibroids sins I had not had a ny children yet and that usually unless it becomes absolutely necessary,no Dr likes to perform surgeries on a patient whose system has never been tampered with and all that.the recent ultrasound I did showed this result; Uterus-bulky in size,contains multiple mixed mass lesson intramural lay in the anterior fundal region measuring 4.7cm by 6.3cm,posterior fundal region,5.4cm by 3.3cm,posterior myonitum??.... 6.4 by 4.8 cm and at the cervical region,8.12 by 7.4 cm.the endometrial plate appears distorted and I distinct. Now I don t know what to do cos I am afraid of goin in for a surgery.my husband and I had not used any contraceptives but we had avoided having intercourse durin my unsafe periods as our own birth control method up until now.just dis month,we have decided to start tryin for a baby so I don t know wether or not it is advisable I take out the fibroids or just go with wat I was told about leaving it for now until I ve had kids except it begins to hinder dat process.im just confused.