My right big toe won t bend back all the way, whenever I try to bend it.. it ll only bend as far as to the middle, and the toe is red, I saw my foot doc for it and he said it could be an infection and so he gave me amoxicilion and told me to use cortizone cream, and whenever I look at it the redness seems to be going down, but I still get pain in the toe plus it won t bend back like it should, plus to me it looks kinda puffy compared to my other toe the back of it and front both look puffy a bit. And the right ball of my foot is red as well whenever I look at it and it feels sore, I get pain in it.. like sometimes sudden sharp pain, also whenever I am standing my right foot tends to get really red while my other foot just stays normal, even when I shower I can see the difference between how red both of my feet look and the right one just seems to be the worst. my doc did say I have degenerative arthritis.. but I think there is something more to it than just that.. the docs around where I live suck, so please can someone help me about this? I would be so happy, I just want this problem taken care of, cuz it really bothers me.