I am 31 year old and trying to conceive since 2011. After 7 months of trying I conceived but had a miscarrige after 2 months, it was in Feb, 2012. Doctors said it was a natural miscarriage. I have no fibroids. Since May, 2012 we had been TTC but no success. Please tell me what we should do next. How often in a week/during ovulation we should TTC? My cycle is usually 30-32 days, it was always 28 days before. But since 2010-11 it has become 30-32 days cycle, and I have gained weight as well, it is around 67kg. I have done 2 tracking ovulation in consecutive 2 months, they all said the most fertile time was day 16th. I have also been scanned thrice after last miscarriage and there was no left over tissue. I have also done CA125 which is normal. Thank you in an advance for your advice.