Hi! I am 15 years old and I have noticed that I have unwanted hair on my breasts, back, belly, toes, and anywhere I can think of. I have researched everything on how to remove it and what It s from and I just got a bunch of things that didn t really make sense to me. There was one that told me to pluck the hairs so the ones on my breasts I did and they came back thicker and darker. Now It s to the point where I m just disgusted and embarrassed. I don t know what else to do. I seen then it could be hirsutism , polysystic ovarian syndrome , etc. I included my recent history to hopefully help. (In the last year I had problems with my right side and went through many tests. I learned that I had 2 cysts on my ovaries but that still wasn t the problem. The doctor s thought it was my gallbladder so I ended up getting it removed. The pain is still there and I m thinkin it might just be my period because it usually hurts a week before and after my period is over. It isn t surprising because I have an irregular period and it is very heavy (especially during the beginning when I have to use 2 super tampons within th hour).) If any of that helps. PLEASE help me! I don t know what to do about the hair and I haven t told anyone including my mother since I am so embarrassed.