Hello, kristitherrian,
Your description of symptoms are suggestive of
gallbladder problems.
Gallbladder problems are more common in females, over the age of forty,
who are fertile and some of them can be
overweight or fatty. That is typical
although not everyone
fits that description. Also, underactive
thyroid is also
a little more common to be associated with gallstones.
Fatty or fried foods can trigger an attack although it could be spontaneous.
The simple way to test is to undergo a sonogram of the upper abdomen to
see if you have gallstones. If you do have it, sometimes, you may need to
have a nuclear scan at the time you are having symptoms, to see if you
have signs of inflammation or Acute Cholecystitis". You may need surgery
and the good news is , you can have it done through
laparoscopy, same day
surgery with a shorter recovery period.
I wish you well.